Beta Times!

That is all I can find when I find more I will add stuff I got to hundreds of blogs then copy stuff and make one big blog with everything u need!


Beta Times

Trading/Dressing Beta

Here is early early beta changing and dressing. Notice the pattern and eye symbols have changed. The background is also a simple brown oval/rectangle- - not wood. The clothes are basic and all non member.

Here is a later version.
First off notice the different color palet, which Animal Jam had up until about December 2011 if I remember correctly. Also notice that at the top is says our name, but it doesn't have the coating/ fancy name stuff members can do. They also have the 'clear' option, meaning to clear off all of the items your animal is wearing. I wish we still had that button. Take note of the larger, blue mouse Animal Jam used. Now it is just the default one depending wether you have a mac or Windows.
Also notice the trade button, the logo is different. It is a shirt and table flip instead of the two arrows switching around that it is now.
The 'sort by' option changed, too. Now it just says 'Sort By' instead of adding the '...'

I got all this pictures and information from:

Jamaa Township

Here is the upper portion of the Jamaa Township. As you already have seen, the name tags have changed to solid white. An extra red flag has been placed. And the controls up at the top, some are shaded grey and some are not. I wonder why..

Here is the lower portion of the Jamaa Township. Notice the Achievements have changed. The news update board looks like a large gem.. 
Here is lower Jamaa township, the buildings have changed. Notice the Black and white top hat, this color of item has been removed. They still have the black and white top hat with the red ring, but not this one.

Jam Mart Clothing

Here was the first page of the Jam Mart Clothing. You may recognize a lot of these items. The changing colors option didn't appear until after you clicked on the item. The Viking helmet, wings, Necklace, and skull has came out. What do you think about the Tiki mask and top hat?

Whoa! Skullies! Yes, the cheapest item ever in the Jamaa and the first tail item, until they were removed from the game. The pirate beard, princess necklace, flower bracelet, Elf bracelets are all still in stores. The  leaf necklace has not been re-released yet.

Here is beta Jam Mart clothing. Nothing has really changed.

Beta Dens

Here is a bad, quick picture of a Beta Den in Jamaa 2010. They were 3 levels with ladders.
Notice how they have the 'picture' option in the control.

Temple of Zios

Temple of zios.. the Gaming symbol has changed. Also the statue is the middle of zios no longer exists, instead a crashing of the den item - Zios Sculpture.

Here is beta Chamber of knowledge, nothing has really changed except for the tikis on the mat have been made lighter.

Crystal Sands
You must of at one point heard, 'I wish they brought the old beach back', referring to this beta crystal sands. It was much different, they didn't have water slides and it was more of a real beach with no docks or anything. Sorry I didn't get pictures of the full Crystal Sands.

Hopefully I can get more information! I hope you enjoyed!

I was never in the Beta Years, never. But I wish I was. I can't really tell you what it was like, cause I was never in it, but I have pics I took from the Animal Jam Trailer. I really had nothing to post about until I got the idea, LOLz, So I hope you like.

This is how the beach looked in the Beta Years (I think). Personally, I think it looks awesome, and I love how the water looks.

Woot! More pics! LOLz I love how the tabs look. Other then colors, no one is rated. It's awesome. Everything looks fair and happy, if you ask me. And dens? AWESOME LOOKING! I so wish we still had em like that! I mean, check it out!

Look at that! Those were some of the items you could buy. Some of it is still out, but most? And it's all nonmember. If these came out again, it would be awesome! A lot of stuff would no longer be rare, and I am SO hoping for that! I would no longer be famous for my items! I would no longer me famous whatsoever! And that would be AWW!! SOME!!!

I love the way the... whatever those things names are look! It's almost the same, but you can only see animals and whatevs badges you earned. No pets or anything, nothing is split. I love it more then anything.

I wish even more now I was in the Beta Years. Everything would have been so fun. No clubs, scammers (hopefully), and a maybe a little less drama. -sighs- Now, I have to go return to homeschooling, so bai! Have a great day! 

  Hey jammers! I've been doing a lot of research lately, and found some awesome Beta things! Beat was testing most of AJ, and have made a lot of changes to what AJ has now, today!  These pictures were from very early Beta times! This first picture is of the Beta Jam Mart Clothing

  This used to be called the "Jammer Clothing" store. And the shop was just called "Jam-Mart". Items in that color don't exist today though. The colors were later change into what we see today. And if you look in the background, the whole store is backwards, and or switched! 
  Another change Beta has done, was with Wind Rider:

  They used to have big tree branches in the middle, to make you loose your gems! And notice a little difference at the number of gems you earn at the top right. Also notice that the wolf is only covered with Beta only color! Another one of this Beta Times picture is of the game Gem Ball:

  Not much has changed, but the little X button on the top right of the screen. Next pic is about the early times of Jamaa!

  Really looks a lot different. When you click the sleep action, your animal's eyes would still be opened! And if you look closely, you can really tell if that jammer has a user or not! Notice the bunny on the left has a white and gray mask, that is the color of the Beta mask! Now this is the picture of the entrance to the Beta dens!

  Their dens were very huge that time! And if you want to see a better look at their den, just go to Youtube and watch the teaser trailer of AJ! They had 3 floors, a bridge, and and if you see the furniture button is different. That was before the furniture was even out! And this is a earlier version of Club Geoz!

  Just like the Jam Mart, this place is switched around too! And if you notice, some jammers have Beta colored wings! They are black with white tips. Now this is the old version of The Lost Temple of Zios:

  Instead of the stone pit, they had a monkey statue! And game icons were signs, not floating purple game icons. 

  Another pic of it. And also, notice the koala with the gazelle horns. They are a very tanish color. And I forgot to say that their name tags were different then today's. And this is the not so old Crystal Sands before they changed it in July.

  This was the old version, now they put 3 slides and made the hut smaller. There's really a lot of Beta colored animals in this picture, and leaf necklaces where lighter and only came in one color. And this is the VERY OLD Sarepia Forest:

  Sarepia forest was just called "Sarepia" and didn't have a flag store. There were different paths, and HUGE mushrooms are in the bottom. And the mystery picture!

  I just love this picture. You see the wolf with a green top hat? That's just cool. It seems to just be a non member top hat if you look closely at the name tag! I hope they come out soon! And just to say, a cool item was set out, and it seems only one jammer has it! But I forgot his user.. I was in the Lost Temple, and I saw a jammer, it seemed he had..

Random Beta Pitures!


With thanx to FuzzyShyIvy and various jammers.


  1. You keep repeating stuff :3

    1. I have four headresses one of which is rare! Buddy me im spec22

    2. i say leys do a rebelion like if they dont bring back the beta days we get off and dont play untill they do. i have difernt acounts so here they r:quietflower12345 or puppycandy546. buddy me is u wanna be a part in this

    3. and also they HAVE TO BRING BACK THE FOX HATS OR IM GANNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. No I donr. I double checked just now. But thanx for commenting.

  3. I was in the beta days but I never knew so I played a different game :T

    1. DX That is so un lucky.

    2. Same here :l I miss the beta days SO bad

    3. yea... I NEED TOP HAT!! *FAINTS

  4. Where did you get the pictures from?

    1. I got them from various blogs. I forgot their names so I cant give credit. DX

    2. Did you get any from mine?


    3. I dont think so

  5. D: I wish I was on aj in the beta days!

    1. me too i have lots of rares from hard adventures but i wanted to see the beta days -heartbroken-

  6. awwwww why! WHY! why was i not in the beta days! i began RIGHT AFTER they were over! RIGHT AFTER!!! RAHHHHHH!!

    1. I agree. I also began right after the beta days. When I joined, non-members could send and give gifts. I miss those days, so we just have to hope for a better future.

  7. This is a cool web. Love the pics. I wish I was back in the beta days. This is so cool but I want the old beta back...:'(

    1. Don't worry... I told AJHQ to put back beta! Not working on it......

    2. D: They said life is about growing, and experiencing.... I want dose beta days.

  8. Wish I was in Beta days. The dens are way better, everything pretty much is. I like the new lands and animals and stuff, but i'd rather be in Beta days. Buddy me!

  9. I HAVE THE BETA NECKLACE ON MY OLD ACCOUNT ! Also, animal jam should go back to the way it was: with NO MEMBERSHIPS. The memberships REALLY bug me. Because on my old account I have a bracelet that became a member only item, but I logged off with the bracelet on and now I can't take it off !!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ikrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Just fyi, in beta you had to pay to play. There was no non members. To play animal jam you had to pay $7.50 a month.

  10. I really wish i was a part of the beta day.My user is isi40833.Buddy me!

  11. i wish i was in the beta days too :'( it looked amazing ~purplewolf1314

  12. Does anyone think raccoon tail is good?



  14. guys look out for turningtables on aj he's a scammer .-.

  15. Animal Jam is hopefully bringing back the beta days. Probably to prevent scammers, because all they want is rares! I mean, AJ was meant for fun, not rares. I hope they bring back rare spiked collars and claw machines, because those are the items that get scammed the most.

  16. This will sound weird.... but I think I might have played Animal Jam as a kid when I was younger. Why? Because all of this looks so familiar... weird, no? And also, I think they should take away all rares and go back to the beta days. Lets have a petition about that!!!!!


  17. AnimalJamCrazyFun26 May 2014 at 23:10

    One of my buddies was a beta jammer because she told me :P

  18. I used to be in the beta days but i quit Animal Jam because it was boring for me and i wanted to play more of Club Penguin D':

  19. Uhhhh I want it back. If we all started a vote with jammers and AJHQ saying beta days each day and no beta days will prove that WE CAN HAVE BETA DAYS AND WE CAN DO IT!

    Something like this:

    1 1
    15 1
    13 1

    Lets start it!

  20. Guys, beta days are never coming back. Beta is the early testing days, and you can't just re-test a game that easily. Yes, beta items are coming back. But definitely NOT FOUNDERS, because the Founders Hat was sold in celebration for the old AJ. It is possibly never coming back. You CANNOT bring back the beta days, unless you find a time machine (yeah, time travel!!!).

    Happy Jamming

  21. Ok, I'm a non-member, and just like you guys..... i want everything to be beta days. But that doesn't mean I want to bring the beta days back. I just want animal jam make it like beta. Ya, beta days were pretty fun (I never played animal jam during the beta days, but I think it's pretty fun) No such things as members and a pretty big den. Skylerplaysaj is right. You can't bring the beta days back. It's just a testing. And animal jam created members so the game could keep going. But I want it like beta days. I want aj to make everyone member. Just like what Fantage did. I don't care if it's only for 5 months or a week. But plz make everything member. Just plz AJ.

    Keep calm and start jamming,

  22. I wasn't in the beta days either, but you have lots of screenshots that I have never seen before. I think Crystal Reef has changed drastically. I would be really nice to be able to go back to beta times. No members, good items, and awesome lands. Thanks for the article!

  23. If you had 1000 gems, back in the beta stages of the game, with full knowledge of what items are worth today, what would you spend your gems on?
    I reckon i'd buy 4 arctic hoods, or 5 old blankets.
    How about you?
    Possibly 25 founder's hats?

  24. O.O that person who's named "Zmonkey" is still playing. looks like he's working with AJHQ, anyways he's my buddy :) jk i wish he is my buddy :P


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